Wave measurement buoy program

The West Coast Wave Initiative (WCWI) wave measurement buoy program has deployed and maintains four fully directional wave analysis buoys off the west coast of Vancouver Island (WCVI). This includes two AXYS TRIAXYS and two AXYS WatchMate 500 buoys. Both models capture full directional wave spectrum data (at a minimum resolution of 3 hrs.), while the WatchMate 500 captures atmospheric and sub-surface current data as well.

Preparing buoy for deployment
Buoy bathymetry

The two AXYS TRIAXYS buoys, Campbell and Renfrew, are deployed in shallow water (~28m) just outside Florencia Bay and at the mouth of Port San Juan near Port Renfrew. Campbell has been recording data since June 3rd, 2013 and Renfrew since September 26th, 2014 when it was collocated with an Acoustic Wave and Current (AWAC) profiler. Additionally, Campbell is the closest of the four buoys to a BC Hydro transmission station (Long Beach Station).

Preparing buoy for deployment

The two AXYS WatchMate 500s, Beverly and Tarbotton, are deployed in a water depth of about 40m on Amphitrite Bank and just off Estevan Point, and have been recording since October 12th, 2009 and March 22nd, 2013.

AXYS WatchMate 500 Buoy
AXYS WatchMate 500 Buoy
The parameterized ocean characteristics with the directional wave spectra provided by these buoys gives WCWI researchers the ability to predict and verify ocean conditions along the entire west coast of Vancouver Island, producing unmatched insight into the wave energy opportunity presented here. With such data, Wave Energy Converter (WEC) developers are better informed when designing their WEC devices. Since each developer takes a different approach and power generation optimization is key to the development of wave power, the ability to collect and predict each parameter is paramount, thus making the WCWI an invaluable resource.